Monday, September 1, 2008

Surfing with Ben and Pete

This morning I went surfing with my good mates Ben and Pete at 6:30am. The background picture is of the sun rising this morning. God is still the best artist I know! Yesterday I went surfing with the boys also and it was quite an experience, sweet, two days in a row. The first place we went was really hard to get out because the tide was so strong. Not only that but a sea lion decided he would chace Ben all the way to shore and then continued following him on the beach. We decided to give the sea lion his territory and made way for another beach on the other side of the rocks where we were surfing. After a short time in the water we made a decision to look for better surf so we loaded up again and went to Blackhead. At Blackhead the surf was a little better and I ended up catching one wave that made it worth all the paddeling I had done. This morning at "Pete's secret spot" I only ended up really catching one wave but it was by far the longest ride I have had so far here in NZ. Two epic surf trips in two days!

1 comment:

  1. Chris that sounds amazing! I am so glad that you are having fun. It was probably a good thing that you left the sealion alone caues those things are vicious! I love you, and I can't wait until i see you in december!
