Sunday, September 14, 2008


In my twenty-seven years on this planet I have done a number of things that have challenged my body both mentally and physically. From hitting big jumps and cliffs on a snowboard to surfing in waves that are above my ability to competing in three bodybuilding competitions, my body has taken a lot and has its share of injuries to show for it.

Yesterday I ran a marathon. Now anybody who knows me knows that I just don't have the build of a runner, so there's one point against me. Second, I haven't been training for it! Wednesday before the marathon I ran for an hour and a half but it was the first time in two weeks. Third, the reason I had not been running is that I hurt my knee and ankle snowboarding two weeks before the race. Will Anderson told me he was going to run a marathon about six weeks ago and having always wanted to do one I told him that I would be keen to do it also. Although I cleaned up my diet a little by eliminating chocolate, candy, and dessert foods like ice cream I neglected the most important part of training for a marathon, RUNNING! I maybe ran six times from the day I committed to running the marathon to the day of the race. After finding a number of excuses to back out, including having to pay the $65 dollar entry fee, I was pretty convinced that I would have to run a marathon another day. Friday night, two days before the marathon, I got a text from Will. "You still doing it?" After telling him I wasn't to sure, Will replied with another text. "Do it, You can't go back on your word" Ouch, that was the deal breaker for me!

Saturday night, the day before the race, I had work at the Lone Star. My boss needed me to help out with a 21st Birthday party that was going on in our upstairs function room and I didn't get home until 2am Sunday morning. After a good three hours of sleep it was time to get up and get ready for the marathon. My good mates Jude and Allen who were also running the race picked me up from my flat just after 6am so we could catch the shuttle buses that would drop us off at the start. The marathon was to begin at 8am and by the time the shuttle had dropped us off we had twenty minutes till race time.
After the gun sounded Jude, Allen and myself took to our paces. During the first 5k the three of us were having a great time just soaking in the scenery and commenting on how beautiful the weather was. When we reached the 10k mark it seemed as if we had found our pace, 5 minutes a kilometer. Before we reached 15k, Allen had started to pull ahead of Jude and I and soon disappeared from site. At 20k Jude and I were still side by side and life was good. Then right after half way, 21k, I started to feel a blister forming on the bottom of my right foot. For the next few k's I found myself playing catch up with Jude until I could keep up no longer. At 25k Jude was no longer in site and my legs began to hit the wall. Before approaching the 30k check point, my friend Megan, who works at Lone Star with me, saw me running and came to me with some lollies (gummy fish). Megan jogged along side me for a little bit, said some encouraging words and then took off in a car with her friends to the finish line. At 30k my legs could hardly extend and although I was still jogging people were walking at the same pace. I had made a commitment in my mind that I would not stop running until I went through the finish line. What seemed like and eternity had gone by before reaching the 35k checkpoint. With only 7k to go I pressed on with everything that was in me. It was a very humbling experience to watch girls, old men and yes even grandma cruise on past me as I struggled towards the finish. Well, after 4 hours and 35 minutes of non stop running I am happy to say that I have run my first marathon and I'm still alive. Needless to say after the race I could hardly walk. When I woke up this morning it was even worse, getting out of bed was a very difficult task. My legs are in SO much pain right now, so bad that I got the night off of work.
Before I ran the marathon I read this verse over and over until I memorized it, I hope it encourages you like it encouraged me.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those
who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like
eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:30-31


  1. Dude, that is fantastic! You are one amazing man. I don't know of anyone else that would be brave/stupid enough to run a marathon without training! :-)

    Good Job bro. I plan to run a half marathon here in Fresno in Nov. Maybe if you are still there, I will be able to come run the marathon with you some time.

  2. Your mom told me yesterday that you ran a did not surprise me at all!:) And that fact that you didn't train yet didn't quit...that didn't surprise me either.:) I would expect nothing less from Christopher David Beery.:) I'm so glad you are having so many awesome experiences!!

  3. Wow! Totally, Awesome, Kid! I admire you for doing this, like emmy said, doesn't surprise me...
    That verse is awesome, I'm gonna use it in my own life. totally inspired!
