Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Six weeks already? Time sure does fly!

Well this last Sunday makes it 6 weeks that I've been here in Dunedin, NZ and I am enjoying every minute. The weather has been really cold and wet the last two weeks but today (Tuesday) was awesome. The sun came out a little bit today and so I went for a little run around my town. Everytime I go running I try to go somewhere new, you know get lost and explore your surroundings. Well my run ended up at the World's Steepest Street so of course I decided to run up it. There was a water fountain at the top which was very refreshing and after a few moments soaking up the view I made my way home.

I moved into my new flat last Monday and I really enjoy all my new flatmates. There are six of us total, 3 boys and 3 girls. Two of the girls, Jess and Mary, are engaged to be married at the end of this year. Yesterday was pretty fun, Mary and I went shopping for groceries for the entire flat, we're on food duties for these next two weeks. Last Wednesday was my first night to cook a feed for everyone so I called my mom and got the recipe for her Swedish pancakes. That's right, breakfast for dinner, it was awesome and the Swedish pancakes tasted just like momma made em.

Work has been going really well and I feel God is going to use me in a big way at the Lone Star. Just last week I had two people ask me if I was a Christian, because I don't drink I stand out, especailly in Dunedin where they are known for their consumption of alcohal. One of the cooks tried to get me to say the f-bomb the other night, I think he somehow found out that I don't swear and wanted to see if it was for real.

I try to stop by every so often to visit the boys at the old flat. Sunday night after work I stopped by the flat and ended up having an awesome chat with Will. We haven't had too many opportunies to connect because he stays really busy with his studies. Will asked me if I believed in fate and I got to share with him what I believe about God and how He has plan for all of us.

This week I got Skype up and running on my computer so for those of you who are Skype users please feel free to call me up. For those of you who don't know what Skype is, it is a free download where you can talk to people all over the world via chat or webcam for free. If you don't have Skype you really should get it, here's the link http://www.skype.com/

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


  1. I'm going to try to get Skype up and running so we can chat.:)

  2. Hey Chris it's Al-Balls...can't believe I just called myself that, but figured you would have no doubt in your mind who it was:)
    Anyway, totally didn't know you were up to such exciting adventures! Sounds like life is especially extraordinary for you right now! So AWSOME!!! Enjoy all your adventures and I'll be sure to keep myself updated on your life via blog-world!
